A full week has gone by in the Big Brother world and what a long and drama-filled week it has been. From competitions, to fights, to racist and homophobic comments, to 2 houseguests getting publicly fired from their jobs, and of course, to the first houseguest being evicted from the house. It has definitely been one of the craziest first weeks in Big Brother history and I have a feeling we are in for one of the craziest summers in Big Brother history!
For my power rankings, I have decided to only take into account the events that are aired on CBS and not what happens on the live feeds. Although I would like to say that I am absolutely disgusted by the bigotry that has been shown by some of the houseguests and I really hope something is done about inside the house.
Now for the breakdown of my power rankings!
HOH= +30 points
POV= +25 points
MVP= +20 points
Nominated= -10 points
Haves= +5 points
Havenots= -5 points
Veto used on Nominee= +15 points
I will also be awarding/subtracting additional points to houseguests for different things.
As well, I will be adding/subtracting the points from the following weeks rankings.
Last week:16, This week EVICTED
Oh David, just as I predicted, you were the first houseguest to be evicted. You really never stood a chance in the Big Brother house and I have feeling you knew that all along. You stated that you came into the house for a showmance and not the money which only solidifies the fact that you are the dumbest houseguest to walk through the door. I can't say I'm sad to see you go, but I do wish you all the best catching waves and doing whatever else it is that you do and yeah.
JUDD (11-5=6 points)
Last week:15, This week: 15
Judd, although you didn't move up in the power rankings this week, you have started to grow on me. You were the first person person to figure out who Elissa was with an assist from Candice (+2) but you were also the first person out of the HOH competition (-2). We barely saw you at all this week except for the have/havenot competition where you struggled a little bit. Unfortunately, your team lost and you became a havenot (-5). Hopefully you start to get more screen time because even though you are difficult to understand, you seem like a funny guy.
HELEN (16-5= 11 points)
Last week:9, This week: 14
I am going to keep this short and sweet Helen simply because you were almost non-existent this week. You were also on the losing team in the have/havenot competition (-5) and besides that we only saw you when you were consoling Elissa (+2) and when you began crying during the winegate argument (-2). I still like you, and hopefully we start seeing more of you playing the Big Brother game and less of you crying.
HOWARD (18-5=13 points)
Last week: 4, This week: 13
Another houseguest we barely saw or heard from all week. You were also a havenot for the week (-5) and we heard you, once again, talk about how strong and physical you are. You really seem to like mentioning how big and muscular you are, while at the same time completely sucking at the challenges. I really liked you in my pre-season power rankings, but you are quickly losing me. You are part of the "moving company" alliance, but unfortunately, I don't see that alliance lasting very long.
ANDY (18-5=13 points)
Last week: 6, This week: 12
Andy, you also became a havenot this week (-5) and you also barely got any screen time. You did provide one of my favourite Diary Room sessions though about David not spelling a word in the POV competition. Besides that, you pretty much laid low this week and I think it will be interesting to see what you are capable of in the upcoming weeks assuming you are capable of something....which I really hope you are.
JESSIE (18-4=14 points)
Last week: 5, This week: 11
I wasn't your biggest fan during my pre-season power rankings, and after the first week of BB, I am even less of a fan. First of all, you are either delusional or just plain crazy when you state that you are "the prettiest girl in the house"(-2). sorry to break it to you, but you're not even close to being the prettiest girl in the house. You were a have this week (+5) but you were also nominated for eviction (-10). You got lucky though, because your fellow houseguests clearly don't see you as a threat and you managed to survive eviction (+3).
AARYN (13+2=15 points)
Last week: 12, This week: 10
It pains me greatly to award you any points and to see you move up in the power rankings. Although I am not taking any of your racist and homophobic comments into account, I still think you are a huge bitch (-5) who needs to be taken down a notch. You did manage to be the last girl hanging in the HOH competition (+2) and you were a have this week (+5). I couldn't be happier that your closest ally was evicted this week and I hope you go absolutely crazy and self-evict. *fingers-crossed*
JEREMY (12+5=17 points)
Last week: 14, This week: 9
Again, it pains me to see you move up in the power rankings, especially since you are such a douchebag (-5). You did do well in the HOH competition and you won the "never not pass"(+10). Obviously Big Brother has invested in you as the villain of the season and you have managed to live up to that role. I'm hoping you are evicted sooner rather than later because I can't stand seeing you on my television screen.
SPENCER (12+6= 18 points)
Last week: 13, This week: 8
You still remind me a lot of Adam (BB13) in the fact that I don't like you, but I don't hate you either. You were a have this week (+5) and you also place the winning can for your team (+1). Besides that, you laid low this week and managed to be included in the "powerhouse" alliance that is the moving company. You bore me, but you don't bother me so I don't really care all that much about you right now. I still predict you will stick around for a while. I guess we'll wait and see what happens.
ELISSA (14+8=22 points)
Last week: 11, This week: 7
I surprisingly like you a lot. I am very happy that you managed to survive eviction this week (+3) and I really hope you are able to stick around for awhile. you were a havenot this week (-5) but America voted you as the first BBMVP (+20)! you made the right choice by nominating David. Unfortunately, the POV was used and you were put up as the replacement nominee (-10). It seems you have some people on your side right now, but I'm not sure how long you have until your luck runs out.
GINAMARIE (17+6=23 points)
Last week: 7, This week: 6
GinaMarie, I am giving (+1) for being the first houseguest to enter the BB house because I would be pretty excited if I was the first one. You started the first night off full of energy and you were very loud, but since then you have seemed to fade a little. You were a have this week (+5) and you managed to survive the first week in the house. I am starting to not like you as much as I did pre-season, but I think there is still hope for you. We'll have to wait and see.
KAITLYN (18+6=24 points)
Last week: 3, This week: 5
I am still pretty much in love with Kaitlyn. Although I HATE the fact that she decided to hook up with Jeremy of all people. I am afraid that will cause her any chance she had at winning the game. She was a have this week (+5) and she placed the winning can for her team (+1). I'm really hoping that Kaitlyn starts to make better choices and moves away from Aaryn and Jeremy because they are hurting her game. Sadly, I don't see that happening.
AMANDA (19+7=26 points)
Last week: 2, This week: 4
Amanda, I actually like you a lot more than I expected too. You have already provided some hilarious Diary Room moments and you seem to be playing the game pretty well. You were a have this week (+5) and you also made out with McCrae....You clearly have a huge personality and will not back down from a fight. This will make the summer very entertaining for sure. Thank-you for calling Aaryn a bitch in your goodbye message to David (+2) because somebody needed to. Now if you could just say it to her face!
CANDICE (17+11=28 points)
Last week: 8, This week: 3
You have pleasantly surprised me Candice. You went from being a have (+5) to being nominated (-10) to being taken off the block by McCrae (+15). You also get a (+1) for assisting Judd in the discovery of Elissa's identity. I like you because you're sassy and not afraid to stand up for yourself. I think you have a lot more potential than people may have thought you did. And I am so sorry you have been the centre of your fellow houseguests racism and bigotry. You don't deserve it and neither do the other houseguests.
NICK (21+7=30 points)
Last week: 1, This week: 2
You are playing this game exactly how I expected you to play it. You seem to have created a strong alliance for now, but I'm just not sure how long it is going to last. You came in 2nd place in the HOH and managed to successfully make a deal with McCrae to keep you safe for the week (+2). You were also have for the week (+5). I think you are playing a good game right now, but it is only a matter of time before the houseguest see what a huge threat you are.
MCCRAE (15+58=73 points)
Last week: 10, This week: 1
The pizza boy delivers! McCrae had a crazy successful week and he seems to be a force to be reckoned with. He surprisingly managed to win the first HOH (+30) and then he went on to unintentionally win the POV(+25). Then to top it all of, he manages to get a little action from Amanda (+3). McCrae seems to be in the best position right now because he didn't make a lot of enemies this week and he is in a strong all-male alliance. Should be interesting he copes without the power this week.
There you have it, my week one power rankings for Big Brother 15! Let me know what you think by leaving a comment below! Check back every week after the eviction for a new power rankings!
Thanks for Reading!
Cody G.
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